:The frequently asked questions of customers 

Q1: Are all Aral chemistry’s products alcohol-based?

Answer: No, Aral chemistry’s products are classified and presented in 3 categories as following
First category: concentrate products, including: Foodasib, Serfosib, Espasib, Egosib, agricultural Peroxidine, alkaline detergent, acidic detergent
Second category: Ready-To-Use (RTU) products, including: hand sanitizer (RTU-S), surface sanitizer (RTU-S), fruit and vegetable disinfectant (RTU)
Third category: Alcoholic disinfectant products, including: hand alcoholic disinfectant solution, hand alcoholic disinfectant spray, hand alcoholic disinfectant gel.
Concentrate products such as Fodasib and Serfosib are made base on peracetic acid and do not contain alcohol. These products need to be diluted with water according to the instructions on the label.

Q2: what is the difference between Foodasib and Serfosib?

Answer: both Fodasib and serfosib are based on peracetic acid. Foodasib components are food grade and can be used to disinfect food contact surfaces. Surfosib can be used for surface disinfection and is not applied for air and hand disinfection.

Q3: Do Serfosib and Fodasib affect the viruses?

Answer: Yes, these two solutions are in the class of high-level disinfectants. Their action spectrum includes a variety of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, biofilms, mycobacteria, viruses and fungi, and sprays. These days, we are encountering an outbreak of coronavirus. To prevent coronavirus and its control, Oxidin-Fodasib and Serfosib can be applied.

Q4: What are the standard types of peracetic acid basis disinfectant solutions?

Answer: These solutions are produced under the FDA and EPA standards and according to the World Health Organization (WHO) instructions. They hold a health license from the Food and Drug Administration and the Sib health badge.

Q5: What are the instructions to use the Fodasib disinfectant solution?

Answer: Follow the instructions labeled on the product. Depending on the level of contamination, to disinfect surfaces in direct contact with humans, 3-5 cc per liter of water can be used.

Q6: What are the domestic applications of Fodasib disinfectant solution?

Answer: Fodasib is applied for disinfecting hands, surfaces in contact with humans, as well as fruits and vegetables

Q7: Do peroxidine solutions use in food industries?

Answer: Yes, the peroxidine family is applied in several parts of the food industry. Factory disinfection of production surfaces, disinfection of production lines (CIP and COP system), disinfection of sewage, input water to the factory, desulfurization of petroleum products, disinfection and descaling, cooling tower, boiler, and so on.

Q8: What are the environmental effects of the peroxidine family?

Answer: These products are eco-friendly. Peroxidine-Fudasib disinfectant, Peroxidine-Serfosib disinfectant, Peroxidine-Spasib disinfectant, and other peroxidine family disinfectants do not contaminate the environment.

Q9: Are these products as carcinogenic as formalin?

Answer: No, peroxidine family are peracetic acid based products and, unlike formalin, they do not cause cancer.

Q10: Since both Fodasib and Surfosib solutions are used for hand and surface disinfection, what is the difference between these products?

Answer: Foodasib solution is a food-grade product and is produced particularly for food industries. Therefore, it can be applied for domestic purposes. However, Surfosib is used specifically for non-food contact surfaces.

Q11: Question: How and when to use Agosib solution for wastewater purposes?

Answer: Agosib solution is used in the final part of the wastewater treatment system. Agosib could treat agricultural and hospital wastewater, and other industrial wastes. Agosib can be a trustworthy replacement for chlorine and ozone. This solution decreases BOD, turbidity, coliform, E. coli, sulfur, and so on.

Q12: Question: What is the best time for foliar spraying?

Answer: Agrosib should be applied by the emergence of the first signs of disease (fungus, bacteria, etc.). In this case, the disease does not spread and the health of the plants is guaranteed.

Q13: Question: How to discharge milk stone in the dairy production line?

Answer: Milk stone is a remainder of milk that appears as sediment over time and is known as milk stone. A foamless acidic detergent can be applied to remove these sediments. In addition to removing milk stone, this solution could also remove other sediments in the production line (CIP) and increases the performance of the disinfection stage.

Q14: Question: Does milk stone grow the microbial load of the production line?

Answer: Yes. Over time, milk stone gradually turns out to a breeding ground for bacteria, fungi, viruses, and a variety of pathogens. Therefore, the accumulation of these factors boosts the microbial load of the production line.

Q15: Question: What is the supremacy of Spasib over chlorine and ozone?

Answer: Spasib can attack pathogens in 40 diverse ways and does not cause bacterial resistance. However, bacterial resistance gradually develops by using chlorine and the consumption dose should be heightened. On the other hand, chlorine causes fouling and consequently increases the microbial load. Ozone is one of the most powerful disinfectants, however, it may not be very effective in disinfection operations due to insolubility in pool water and it escapes from the water surface as bobbles. While the Spasib dissolves in water and penetrates to all parts of the pool.

Q16: Question: What are the storage requirements of oxidine products?

Answer: It is kept at room temperature (25 degrees) and away from heat and direct sunlight. Do not place them next to flammable chemicals.

Q17: How to use Fodasib solution for washing fruits and vegetables?

Answer: Pour a small amount of solution into the water and then soak fruits and vegetables in the mixture. After 45 seconds, the solution can be drained from fruits and vegetables by washing or even without rinsing. Because these substances are food grade and safe, they do not endanger the human body.

Q18: Question: On which surfaces can we use peroxidine?

Answer: It can be used for disinfecting floors, walls, and other non-porous hard surfaces such as tables, chairs, countertops, sinks, shelves, trollies, refrigerators, air conditioners, tiles, and in places made of vinyl, non-porous porcelain, plastics (such as polypropylene and polyethylene), stainless steel, or glass are used.

Q19: What is the application range of peroxidine family products in the food industry?

Answer: Food and beverage factories, meat production centers, seafood and poultry, beverage and dairy factories.
